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The future of windows apps

talking and executing crazy futuristic ideas has already been a big tech company's favorites. not only those ideas have potential but they also can bring a lot of cash and massive revenue to the big tech's bank. for several centuries mankind has always aimed for the future and now we are currently living in one. so many innovations so many inventions and so many technologies out there to make our life easier but technology is like a double-edged sword. basically is good for the human race because it makes things easier but it is also bad because it makes humans addicted and lazier.

speaking of futuristic ideas why not we discuss the future of Windows apps. Windows is the dominant computer OS in the entire world, and because of this the company Microsoft is now aiming to the future when it comes to software development and Operating System development. but the problem was that the current version of the Windows OS a.k.Windows 10 is so crippled with bugs and errors that it made some of its users quit and decided to use Linux instead.

now Linux for those who don't know is a free to use Operating System. why they choose Linux? well, it's fairly simple. first of all, it's because it was free, second, it was safer than windows because windows are the most popular OS in the world and thus hackers always target Windows OS, the third reason is that Apple Mac is just so expensive. now when we discuss about the future of Windows application we should talk about what platform does the software will be compatible with because that is the most important aspect of the software, compatibility.

Microsoft has already tried a new way of developing apps for its devices such as creating UWP (Universal Windows Platform) for windows. but the problem is that it didn't age well. UWP was intended to be compatible with every single product made by iMicrosoftncluding the short-lived windows phone, Xbox console, Microsoft hololens, and Windows PCs.

the structure of the future Windows apps

as you can see, windows apps are evolving. who knew if one-day Microsoft decided to bring back the windows phone series by releasing a new Windows Operating System for mobile phones. Microsoft has already explained the future of windows App development via a session, which you can open that session in this link, which is very promising considering the fact that Microsoft has finally updated their start menu.

in the picture above you, you'll see that the future of windows App's structure will be layered. starting with the App model, you can clearly see that it has 3 types of windows apps. WinUI 3, .net Core and store apps are the three types but what really interested me is the .net Core application since it is a .net framework and I am a developer, and thus this stuff really catches my attention. I don't know if this an App type or just an app layer but all I know that this stuff is going to be implemented onto the Windows OS as we know it.

I really hope that the future of Windows OS will be a cloud-based Operating System since the internet is more capable of doing things. but then again it will create drawbacks but I'm pretty sure those drawbacks can be overcome by Microsoft. actually Windows is no longer the heart and soul of Microsoft, it was the cloud that served as the internal organ of Microsoft and Microsoft knows it.

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