Wave 35 jads can't be moved, so even if you're not keen on prayer switching , you'll have to practice it for at minimum one RS gold jad. Smokey's strategy of standing in the west and walking towards the jad isn't actually necessary. Make sure you stand on the NE side of rock and immediately use the invulnerability crystals.
If you attack jad one time, you can create a Dreadnip on it. Then, mage the meleer to death. Jad will then be the only thing that can take out your attacker. Haraken's head is only able to spawn along the S, W and E sides.
I have successfully done the Slayer challenge. There are no more tricks to be learned. So, I took up Sumona's challenge to cheap OSRS gold take down the legendary Kalphite Queen. Clicking my sig image will reveal my stats, to help you remember.