Salvation's Edge in Destiny 2: The Final Shape is stumping even the most experienced raiders. Here’s a detailed guide to help you complete this challenging raid, especially useful within contest mode.
Getting Started
Complete The Final Shape Campaign: Finish the main story campaign.
Finish the Wild Card Exotic Quest: Unlock the Still Hunt Exotic Sniper Rifle.
Reach Power Level 1965: Ensure all players meet the power requirement.
Starting the Raid:
Form a Fireteam of six players.
Open the Director, select "The Pale Heart," and locate Salvation's Edge on the map.
First Encounter: Substratum
Reach the Encounter:
Navigate upwards on structures to reach the first encounter.
Begin the Encounter:
Pick up the Pyramidal Triangle and deposit it into the box marked "Deposit Resonance."
Split into Two Teams:
Divide your team and enter separate doorways. Watch out for explosive Harpies.
Kill the Hydra:
Each group must defeat a Hydra. If doors remain shut, the other team needs to kill their Hydra.
Find and Kill the Devotee of the Witness Minotaur:
Killing this Minotaur will spawn a Threshold Sentinel in the main room. Defeat it.
Perform the above steps again to spawn and defeat the Threshold Sentinel a second time.
Activate Plates:
Split into two teams and stand on glowing plates. A beam of light will connect the plates. Pass the light back and forth to charge them.
Pick Up Pyramidal Resonance:
Collect three Pyramidal Resonance each while charging the plates.
Lock the Plates:
With about 30 seconds left, one group should shoot the spire's glowing yellow diamond to lock the plate.
Kill the Harbinger of the Witness:
Return to the main room and defeat the Harbinger. Deposit the collected Pyramidal Resonance in the box.
Continue the process until you have collected and deposited about 45 Pyramidal Resonance.
Second Encounter: Herald of Finality
Assign two players to each of the three Resonance Conduit pillars (left, right, center).
Start the Encounter:
Shoot the Taken blights to spawn the boss and enemies. Prevent enemies from stepping on the plates.
Manage Enemies and Buffs:
Kill enemies to spawn Taken blights, destroy them, and collect buffs (Beckoned to Fight, Call for Reckoning, and Stolen Valor).
Bounce Energy:
Bounce energy between plates, collecting and locking different types of Resonance.
Deposit Resonance:
Deposit Resonance to add time to the Final Shape Looming timer.
Damage Phase:
Lower the boss's shield by completing the mechanics and deal as much damage as possible. Repeat until the boss is defeated.
Third Encounter: Carve a Path
Details will be updated as they become available.
Fourth Encounter: See Beyond
This puzzle is currently challenging many players. Detailed instructions will be added once the puzzle is solved.
This guide is a work in progress and will continue to be updated as more encounters and strategies are discovered. For those seeking professional assistance, consider using Salvation's Edge boost to conquer the raid efficiently and maximize your rewards. Share your tips, experiences, and strategies here to help fellow Guardians succeed in Salvation's Edge! Happy raiding!
The raid involves managing resonances, shapes, and conduits, which need to be aligned correctly by teams spread across different sections of the map. basket random Players work in pairs or as sub-teams to progress through each phase.
If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for advice in the community or on forums like Reddit. Many players share their raid strategies and insights after their successful clears, and it can give you that extra edge.
Ultimately, patience, practice, and teamwork will help you overcome the challenges that Salvation's Edge throws your way!
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This game looks really great, it should be quite enjoyable to create teams and play, I would love to try this game, I am usually someone who plays games like basketball legends, but I would love to play this game you are talking about, I hope I can play.